Friday, January 25, 2013

Short Stories for High School Students

So we meet again...

IT was a sunny day when I was waiting for my wife to come at the Mall, so that we could buy clothes for our child. She was 1 hour late. I made a call and found that she was with her mother and they were waiting for the car mechanic to put the new tyre and change the punctured one.

IT was too late. I must go back to my office. My clients must be waiting for me. Just when I thought to leave that place, I struck a lady. I was going to say sorry, when my senses stopped cooperating me. It was Samantha. My mouth was opened and I was steering like I never say a girl before. She looked at me and said its okay, its not new between us.

Short Stories for High School Students

So we meet again. She asked me about my wife, children and our old friends. I said they were all okay. Not allowing to let me talk, she again asked about me health. She said that you are looking quite weak. I said no! It's just work pressure.

IT was my turn to fulfill the formalities, so I asked her about her health, family and even if she good married yet or not. She said that she is not yet married. When I asked why, she answered that there was some problem with my fiancée a 3 years back. And after lots of family pressure I am again going exchange rings with a new man. I asked her what was the reason that her relation broke 3 years earlier. She said nothing just then I was not able to decide whom I love and whom I don't.

This strange answer made me think carefully on the issue, but then I saw a guy coming near her. She introduced that guy as her fiancée. We just shaked hands and moved on. I looked back and she was waving her hand towards me. I did the same.

I remembered that when I got engaged she was not there. And she did not came to my marriage. At that time she went to U.S. for further studies. Well it was a nice day, as I met my oldest and sweetest and most respectable friend. I was feeling good. My anger towards my wife was over. So I decided to sit the restaurant and wait for my wife and child and of course my mother in law.

At the restaurant I met Sandy. He said he is the owner of the restaurant and now told that I am his special guest. The coffee was free for me I thought. We asked about what we were doing these days. He said that he got married last year. And his wife is pregnant. I asked him about Samantha. Does he know anything about her. He said that the poor girl broke her marriage 3 years earlier and after so much interval she is again going to be engaged. I said you know everything about her and how does that happens. He said she was going to be married to my elder brother. I immediately asked her then you must be knowing the reason what made her engagement broke. She is so beautiful, sweet and lovable person then how come such a nice lady has to face such a problem.

He looked at me and moved his head down. I again asked why her engagement was broken and why was she saying that I could not decide at that time whom I love and whom I don't?

He answered it was due to you. I was so astonished. How is it possible I asked. He said that on the day of engagement she started crying and remembered she called you also. I said yes, it might be due to new relationships.

Sandy moved his head. I said tell me the truth. He said that actually she stopped the engagement because she was missing you at the party. She told me that she feels alone without me. It was the same day when you were getting engaged. She also made you call to tell you the she loves you. But you were so happy with your engagement that you could not understand, what she was trying to say on the phone.

I said it is impossible. I also loved her. But she never said anything to me. I thought if I said anything to her than I might loose a good friend too. If she only had said once I would leave everything for her love. I looked up and complaint god what is this. Anyway I must move now. I said bye paid the bill and went out of the restaurant with heavy heart.

There I saw Samantha leaving the place with her fiancée. She looked at me from the car. They both waved bye to me, and I did the same. The car went closer from me. And so did Samantha. She was steering in my eyes and her eyes were glowing. I felt like she still loves me. And may be I too...

The Prisoner

After 10 years of imprisonment John comes back to the outer world. He goes back to his house. There he finds no one. The neighbors tell him that on the day his imprisonment his child was taken away by some police officer. His sister never came back to take his child in his custody. John was so worried that who took away his child. He also got angry from his sister for whom he sold his wife's jewelry and even kept his house on sale.

Angry John went to her sister house in the native village. There he found that his sister was dying of Cancer. When she saw her brother she begged his pardon. She said that she made a big mistake by not taking care of his brother's son. She begged his pardon. But John went away from her house quietly.

He then moved towards the officer, who imprisoned him. He was going to ask the officer that why was he imprisoned. On his way he thought of taking revenge by stealing away the officer's child. He went to his house and saw a beautiful girl coming out of the house and the officer was waving good bye to her. He thought that he would kidnap the girl and take revenge from the officer.

He forcibly takes the driver seat and takes the girl to an unknown place. The girl asks as to why he did that but he did not answered. When the girl tells John about her fiancée namely Kennedy who is a very efficient police officer. John feels a little pain in his heart. He feels that why would the police officer marry his girl with the guy whose name is similar to my son's name. He tells the girl that it is due to his father, he lost his son and now by marrying you with the boy name Kennedy he want himself to be forgived. He snatches the locket in her neck. Opens it and see the picture of the girl and a boy. He asks who is he.

She answers that when a young girl puts the picture of young guy near her heart for all the times than this is obvious that she loves her and wants to marry him. John laughs and says that your baby love made John laugh for the first time after 10 years.

She asks John, Are you the one whom was imprisoned by her father. The one who was caught red handed by my father with drugs. John says that yes I am the one. But the drugs were not mine. I told your father that I am innocent. But he did not heard me. Actually it was the work of my brother who was engaged in this activity for so long. My only mistake was that I hide drugs when he was away. That day he was shot dead by your father in an encounter. And during search he found out drugs from my box.

The girl looked at John and said that do you know the Kennedy she is going to marry is his son. She says that her father brought him home, he was sent to boarding school. Later he was grew up so handsome and active that she herself could not resist her and fell in love with him.

John feels ashamed of himself. He writes a note to the officer and asks for sorry. He also thanks the officer in the letter. John begs his pardon from the girl and asks her to go home. The girl forces John to come with her and meet his son. But John denies as he feel so much ashamed of himself that he did not want to show his face to his son. He leaves the girl to her home and leaves the city forever.

Short Stories for High School Students
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