Saturday, February 9, 2013

Example of a Short Story

To help demonstrate what I feel is an effective way to write a short story, I've whipped up a silly little something. I hope that this example can help you in any writing you're doing. To the story!

Sushi Jawa is dead. He died in 1973 after being bucked off his bull in his final rodeo show prior to his retiring. By the time the rodeo clowns had gotten the bull off of him it was to late. Sushi Jawa had suffered a major concussion and entered a coma for 36 hours before dyeing in a Red Cross hospital.

In the first few years after the end of World War 2 and Japan's defeat, Sushi Jawa spent most of his time devoted to developing his Rodeo Show to become somewhat of a hit and a tourist attraction as the "Only Rodeo This Side of the Atlantic". By 1952 Sushi Jawa's Rodeo was making him sufficient enough money for him to be considered medium upper class. Sushi decided upon looking back at his life prior to The Epiphany, as he liked to call it, that he ought to go back to America to visit his homeland. He decided he needed to know who he was, where he'd come from. He needed answers, and he intended to meet his son.

Example of a Short Story

So in the autumn of 1952 Sushi Jawa flew to The United States of America to his home town of Springfield, Missouri. He discovered almost immediately upon his arrival that his arrival that his father had killed himself about the time that Hiroshima was bombed. Sushi's mother had left his father and the grief and pain of losing the only two things keeping his sanity was too much, and he jumped to his death from the top of the Darth Vader building. After he found this out he figured he could at least find his mother, but it turns out that she died of breast cancer one year to the day after his father killed himself. Sushi was left with only one person in the world with his blood pumping through their veins, and that was his son. He found his old girl friend, who had since become a meth head, and discovered that she had put the child up for adoption about a year after its birth. Mr. Jawa decided that it was imperative that he find his child, and so he went to the local orphanage and looked up where his child had gone. He didn't even know it's name. He soon found that the child's name was Xavier and that it was a boy. He also discovered that the last that was heard of him he was in St Louis as a waiter at a Steak n Shake. He rented a car and drove to St Louis, and found the Steak n Shake, asked around for his address, and headed to his long lost son's house. No one was home so he waited on the front step. When his son finally arrived after an hour, he was obviously drunk, and when Sushi tried to tell him he was his father, Xavier hit Sushi. Sushi cried, but then knew that he had only him self to blame and that the only thing he could do was try and fix the world so that this would never happen to anyone again. He promptly returned to Japan and began putting fifty percent of his earnings from his rodeo into a planned pregnancy equivalent in Japan.

On one of his visits to the planned pregnancy clinic, Sushi made conversation with the secretary, and they arranged for a date. One thing led to another and they ended up getting married. 5 years after they got married, they had twin boys and named them Yoshi-mitsu and Mitsurugi.

Although Sushi Jawa died before he could see his son's finish their upper schooling, he still lived the rest of his days the happiest man alive, and he always remembered the Hiroshima bombing, and knew that although the situation was no doubt terrible, there was at least some good, because one man's life was saved. And through that he saved the lives of many others.

I put a lot of time into this story, so I really hope that you liked it. I think that there's a lot that can be learned from examining the writing of others.

Example of a Short Story
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I put a lot of effort into this story, let me know if it helped you or if you liked it!

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