Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Short Story Writing

What defines a short story?

Short stories are generally less complex than novels: they typically focus on a single incident, with a limited number of characters, in a single setting, and the action takes place over a short period of time. Often they start close to the action with little or no exposition and end just as abruptly, often with open endings. There are numerous categories and sub-categories of short story, based on genre and subject matter. For example, those that are used to illustrate a particular moral or ethical principle are categorized as Fables or Parables.

How long is a short story?

Short Story Writing

This is dependent on many factors, including the genre, needs of the story, and the market it's aimed at. For example, if writing for submission to a specific magazine, the author will be bound by the magazine's submission guidelines. Generally though, short stories are less than 10,000 words. Perhaps the best and most agreed-upon convention is that one "should be able to be read in a single sitting".

History of short stories

This used to be a very popular form in the 19th century because it was a staple of magazines, and there was strong demand for short fiction of between 3,000 and 15,000 words. These days popularity is very much on the wane, with few outlets. Nowadays they are most often published in anthologies, although some authors release collections of their own works.

How to write a short story

Because short stories are shorter and less complex than novels, it's tempting to think they are also easier to write. However, many regard short stories as the more difficult form because they call for precision writing where every word is important.

Short Story Writing
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For practical advice on how to write a short story, please have a look at The Crafty Writer's online creative writing course.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

The Shortest Story Ever Told

Ernest Hemingway, as a young newspaperman in the 1920s, bet his colleagues that he could write a complete story in juts six words.

He won the cash with this: "For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn."

As an example of brevity this is unsurpassed, but is it actually a story? Does it fulfill all the rules of drama which I tend to harp on about?

The Shortest Story Ever Told

Admittedly there is no plot, no structure, no protagonist or antagonist, but this is a story because it evokes an emotional response in the reader, and that is the prime aim in creative writing.

What Hemingway does, and in a masterful way, is leave out everything apart from those words which are going to trigger emotions and leave the reader to fill in the story. It's a cheat, but a brilliant one. His story doesn't answer questions, it poses them, and the main one screams 'What happened to the baby?'

What happened to this baby for whom shoes were bought but which are not now required? Why would a baby no longer require shoes? The responses all seem tragic, death, illness, kidnapping, every one a parent's nightmare. The parents then, or those who placed the advertisement, are the protagonists. The antagonist is unknown, the question of what took the baby. By the time we get to the story it is over and we are left to use our own imaginations to fill in the pieces. We must create, in our own heads, the beginning, middle and probably tragic end.

But is this the only conclusion one can draw? I tried to think up alternatives and they are admittedly weak. A drug addict parent buys the shoes, but then sells them when his craving becomes too much. Possible, but the gap between advertising the shoes and getting any money for them to buy the drugs would seem too great. Another option is if the shoes were bought as some kind of practical joke and, having fulfilled that purpose, are no longer required. This could be plausible but stretches credibility, because the poignancy of those six words is lost. Hemingway didn't make them 'baby' shoes for no reason.

Each word here is carefully chosen, and especially the last two. 'Hardly' worn doesn't do it, and neither does 'unworn' though it would have served to reduce the story to five words. That word 'never' is the key, because it is like a lament for what will 'never' be.

Like the competent director of a horror movie, Hemingway does not show us his monster, he leaves it to our imaginations, and there is a lesson for us all here. Less is, indeed, more. Finding the balance between what exposition to give the reader and how much to conceal places the writer in as precarious a position as any tightrope walker.

I've always advocated rewriting and brutal editing of your own work. All superfluous words should be jettisoned as soon as possible. Hemingway takes my credo to the limit.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Personal Narrative Examples - Making Your Story Real

Personal narrative examples can be powerful tools for the writer or public speaker. These narratives give the writer or speaker the opportunity to relay a personal experience to their audience, showing them exactly how they were effected and what the outcome was. These tales are more than just short anecdotes, they can be full, impactful episodes that drive home a message or creates a connection between the speaker and their audience.

When giving a personal narrative, it is extremely important to explain things in detail. Saying "I got up in the morning and went to school," isn't enough to create the interest needed in the story. Give a detailed description of the events. " Each day, the alarm rang at 5:30. After shivering in bed for a few moments, I dashed to the heater to feel the warmth while I dressed. I then began the frigid 3 mile walk to the dilapidated high school." This will give your readers or listeners an image of the events that you are trying to portray.

One of the reasons that personal narratives come across so well in storytelling is that they give the audience a sensory experience, when told correctly. The audience should be able to picture the backdrop, imaging the physical sensations, hear the sounds, and feel each emotion. This allows them to connect with the subject and have a deeper interest in the message that they are sharing with the story. Even if they do not listen, they will have heard and considered your words. They will remember the tales you have told and will continue to think back on the message, even if they did not connect with it immediately.

Personal Narrative Examples - Making Your Story Real

People thrive on personal interaction and respect and listen to those with whom they can connect. By using personal narrative examples to communicate an important point or address a sensitive topic, speakers can have a very high success rate of reaching their target audience. Telling tales in this form does take quite a bit of practice, and should be done in front of an audience to get feedback and suggestions for making your narratives more impactful.

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Learning how to tell a story is a powerful skill. Get some of the best information and perspective on personal narrative examples right away.

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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Example of a Short Story

To help demonstrate what I feel is an effective way to write a short story, I've whipped up a silly little something. I hope that this example can help you in any writing you're doing. To the story!

Sushi Jawa is dead. He died in 1973 after being bucked off his bull in his final rodeo show prior to his retiring. By the time the rodeo clowns had gotten the bull off of him it was to late. Sushi Jawa had suffered a major concussion and entered a coma for 36 hours before dyeing in a Red Cross hospital.

In the first few years after the end of World War 2 and Japan's defeat, Sushi Jawa spent most of his time devoted to developing his Rodeo Show to become somewhat of a hit and a tourist attraction as the "Only Rodeo This Side of the Atlantic". By 1952 Sushi Jawa's Rodeo was making him sufficient enough money for him to be considered medium upper class. Sushi decided upon looking back at his life prior to The Epiphany, as he liked to call it, that he ought to go back to America to visit his homeland. He decided he needed to know who he was, where he'd come from. He needed answers, and he intended to meet his son.

Example of a Short Story

So in the autumn of 1952 Sushi Jawa flew to The United States of America to his home town of Springfield, Missouri. He discovered almost immediately upon his arrival that his arrival that his father had killed himself about the time that Hiroshima was bombed. Sushi's mother had left his father and the grief and pain of losing the only two things keeping his sanity was too much, and he jumped to his death from the top of the Darth Vader building. After he found this out he figured he could at least find his mother, but it turns out that she died of breast cancer one year to the day after his father killed himself. Sushi was left with only one person in the world with his blood pumping through their veins, and that was his son. He found his old girl friend, who had since become a meth head, and discovered that she had put the child up for adoption about a year after its birth. Mr. Jawa decided that it was imperative that he find his child, and so he went to the local orphanage and looked up where his child had gone. He didn't even know it's name. He soon found that the child's name was Xavier and that it was a boy. He also discovered that the last that was heard of him he was in St Louis as a waiter at a Steak n Shake. He rented a car and drove to St Louis, and found the Steak n Shake, asked around for his address, and headed to his long lost son's house. No one was home so he waited on the front step. When his son finally arrived after an hour, he was obviously drunk, and when Sushi tried to tell him he was his father, Xavier hit Sushi. Sushi cried, but then knew that he had only him self to blame and that the only thing he could do was try and fix the world so that this would never happen to anyone again. He promptly returned to Japan and began putting fifty percent of his earnings from his rodeo into a planned pregnancy equivalent in Japan.

On one of his visits to the planned pregnancy clinic, Sushi made conversation with the secretary, and they arranged for a date. One thing led to another and they ended up getting married. 5 years after they got married, they had twin boys and named them Yoshi-mitsu and Mitsurugi.

Although Sushi Jawa died before he could see his son's finish their upper schooling, he still lived the rest of his days the happiest man alive, and he always remembered the Hiroshima bombing, and knew that although the situation was no doubt terrible, there was at least some good, because one man's life was saved. And through that he saved the lives of many others.

I put a lot of time into this story, so I really hope that you liked it. I think that there's a lot that can be learned from examining the writing of others.

Example of a Short Story
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I put a lot of effort into this story, let me know if it helped you or if you liked it!

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Male Chastity Guide - A Short But Comprehensive Introduction to the Lifestyle

In this short but comprehensive male chastity guide I want to cover some of the most pressing and important points about the lifestyle from the perspective of someone who's new to it.

The reason I want to do this now is when I first started along this journey, I often found myself lost, confused, bewildered and even a little frightened by the mass of conflicting, contradictory, and, in my opinion harmful information out there.

So in this brief guide, I'll just sum up the main points and cover them in enough detail to get you started.

Male Chastity Guide - A Short But Comprehensive Introduction to the Lifestyle

Start at the Beginning

Before we begin, it's important to realise having a chastity husband is nothing new, not "wrong" and certainly nothing for you to be afraid of, whether you're a man who's coming to terms with his desires (and maybe even struggling with them), or a woman whose man has confessed his interests to her and perhaps desire for male chastity to you and you're looking for information.

First, let's look at what we usually mean when we talk about chastity. In everyday life we tend to treat chastity and celibacy as being the same. For our purposes, though, in this male chastity guide we'll assume a big difference:

Chastity: what we normally mean is chastity and orgasm denial. So what we're not talking about is simply not having sex or engaging in sexual activity. Far from it: couples who embrace the male chastity lifestyle find themselves having not only having increased sexual activity, but actually enjoying it far more than they believed possible.

What we're talking about is the woman taking control of her man's orgasm and not allowing him to have on unless she says he can, even if you're getting him to please you in other ways not involving making love, or even if you're making love, not allowing him to orgasm.

As you go through this male chastity guide, you'll see why a man would want this, why you'd want to give it to him, and the benefits to both of you.

Celibacy, on the other hand, is where you simply don't have sexual activity, perhaps because you're single, or you're unable to have sexual relations for whatever reason, or you've taken a vow of celibacy or perhaps some other reason. Interestingly, someone who's celibate may well have more orgasms than someone who's embracing the male chastity lifestyle, simply because a celibate man can masturbate, whereas a chaste male can't.

I'll say more about celibacy in a moment and why if this you're celibate but in a relationship, male chastity might not be right for you.

Whom Is Male Chastity For?

I'll go out on a limb here and say almost any fundamentally sound relationship will benefit from male chastity, and that includes gay couples (perhaps surprisingly!). The reasons are both complex and simple at the same time, as you'll discover in this male chastity guide.

In fact I'll edge out even further on the limb and claim if you're an average healthy woman or gay man and you enjoy a healthy sex-life (or have in the past) and you're not ridiculously prudish about sex or painfully shy, then... you've almost certainly already engaged in male chastity play.

Why do I say this?

Because male chastity lies on a continuum, from brief orgasm denial and teasing at one end of the scale, all the way to permanent orgasm denial at the other (I'll say a little about this later in this brief male chastity guide). And most men and women, if not every man and woman has at some time delighted in teasing their partner at some point by delaying orgasm even if only for a few minutes.

And if you've done that... then... congratulations!

You've already experienced male chastity.

And you both loved it, didn't you? Even if he complained in the most delicious way at the time.

Whom Is Male Chastity NOT For?

If you're in a relationship and you really don't like each other (or even if one of you doesn't like the other) and you're living in mutual celibacy through choice because you just can't stand the thought of him touching you (it usually is women who feel this way, sadly), then other than the comments I make here, this male chastity guide won't help you.

If you're in this situation and your man has come to you with the idea of living a male chastity lifestyle and you find your heart leaping for joy because you can see it as a great way of ensuring you never have to have any kind of sexual contact with him ever again... then I think you're making a big mistake.

Because he's doing this out of a desire to have more sexual contact with you, not less!

And if you're a man reading this hoping it's going to help rekindle the ashes of a burned out relationship, the same comments apply: the chances are it's simply not going to work. On the contrary, it's going to hurt you both a lot more in the long run.

If you can see yourself and your own relationship in the above few paragraphs, then I suggest you stop reading this male chastity guide and instead think seriously about proper relationship counselling, and ultimately be prepared to end it so you can both move on with your lives.

Why Would Anyone Embrace the Male Chastity Lifestyle?

Ultimately this simple male chastity guide is about pointing you in the right direction to uncover the strategies and techniques aimed at dramatically improving your relationship by vastly improving the affection you feel for one another, making you grow even closer together, and allowing you to nurture a far richer, deeper and more loving understanding of each other's sexuality than you have now.

Assuming your underlying relationship is strong and your love for one another remains undiminished, even if the fires of passion are not now burning so bright as they once did, male chastity is definitely something to consider at least trying.

How to Start with Male Chastity

There is only one purpose to male chastity: and that is to improve your relationship and thereby improve your entire life.

And for that reason it's important to realise no matter how you approach it, what you do or how you choose to implement the male chastity lifestyle, if it's right for you both than that's all that matters.

You might think that's an odd thing for me to say, but remember one of the reasons for writing this male chastity guide was there is so little good information about that's not tainted with nonsense, fantasy and downright bad ideas.

Now, how to start with male chastity is... to start at the very beginning.

There is a temptation to dive right in at the deep-end by rushing out and buying a chastity device and hoping you can snap it shut and remain chaste for a month or two. And you will indeed read accounts like that all over the Internet.

And they're lies.

No, I can't prove it and you are free to believe them if you wish, but no one who has genuine real-life experience with male chastity is going to give them the slightest bit of credibility.

The reasons we know they're just fantasy are many and varied, but please, for now in this basic male chastity guide, just take it from me male chastity is like any other aspect of your relationship: you don't want to rush into it and at best be disappointed and at worst unnecessarily spoil something wonderful you wouldn't have spoiled if you'd just taken your time.

Now, I'm going to assume at this point, you're both sitting reading this male chastity guide together or at least you're both at a point where you're talking about the male chastity lifestyle as something you're willing to explore.

There are many easy, comfortable and safe ways to broach the subject to your partner whether you're a man or a woman, but one very simple way I share with you in another article is to use male chastity stories.

First, begin with some gentle chastity play. Agree beforehand you expect him to please you any way he likes, but make it clear you won't allow him to make love to you and he'll have to use his imagination.

Massage is a good place to start, and then remember he has fingers and a tongue (use your imagination, too... this is a male chastity guide not a sex manual!).

The first few times it might be difficult because it's new territory for both of you. Promise him you'll make love to him again in the morning and allow him release if he does a good job tonight. That way he's not got too long to wait and is unlikely to get sulky (he won't mean to, but it's new for him, too).

After a few times you can lengthen the time you're going to make him wait a little: perhaps the next night, or the weekend.

If this is working well and you both feel comfortable with the next stage, you can invest in a simple chastity device. Now, there are literally hundreds of devices on the market and you can pay anything from £90 for a basic plastic device to over £1,000 for a bespoke made-to-measure high-tech stainless-steel chastity belt.

My advice in this male chastity guide is to go for something simple and affordable, like the plastic devices and see how you get on. In our experience simple play, the plastic device was fine but it didn't suit us at all for long-term wear. Having said that, some people find them suitable and effective for long-term use.

All you can do is see how it is for you.

Just don't get your hopes up too much too quickly.

Even if the device is comfortable you might find when he gets really turned on it is extremely uncomfortable and painful for him, and while some women claim that's a fitting "punishment", that's not my kind of thing - this is a male chastity guide, not a guide for Dominatrixes! I want to deny his orgasm and have him wanting me like mad not in pain from constricted, sore and swollen testicles!

At some point, you're going to find you want to progress a little. Now, there are no hard and fast rules about this and it's so important to find what suits you and your partner rather than trying to conform to what so many people in the "scene" will say you "should" do. Believe me, some can get quite unpleasant if you don't live your life and treat your husband or lover how they think he ought to be treated.

Ultimately you'll reach a level at which you feel comfortable, and to some extent that's going to dictate the kind of device you end up with. In general in this male chastity guide I'd say get the most expensive device or belt you can afford because in my experience there's nothing quite so disappointing as a device you have to take off because it's unsuitable for wearing for the length of time you want him to wear it for!

Two Final Pieces of Advice

As I mentioned before, you'll eventually find out what works best for you both and that's the only thing you should worry about.

However, there are two points I'll make in this male chastity guide which I consider to be "universals", in that everyone I've ever spoken to who has successfully incorporated male chastity into their relationship.

First, remember this is supposed to be fun for both of you. I know there's an element of teasing in it but you need to be the judge of when his "no" means "yes", and when "no" really does mean "no".

The second is you must be firm. Yes, it seems contradictory to what I've just said but you must remember he has asked for this, or he's at least consented to it if the idea's your own.

The truth is, he wants you to be firm with him. He might want to orgasm but he craves your denial of it.

This can't be stressed enough in any male chastity guide.

For example, my husband, John, whom I keep in strict male chastity and orgasm denial, sometimes for months on end, will sometimes beg me not to let him orgasm because the feeling of being "in the zone" is so incredibly profound.

More to the point, when it becomes too much and he begs for release, if I don't let him (I never do if he's begging for it... that's one of my rules), then while he moans and groans at the time... afterwards he thanks me for being so strong and cruel.

In the early days I would give in... and he always told me afterwards I shouldn't have done. Men!

To Sum Up

The male chastity lifestyle is exciting, pleasurable and extremely rewarding for you and your partner.

But like any lifestyle, it takes some thought and work to get it exactly right. Most important of all is it's your life and you should do things your way.

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Sarah Jameson, freelance writer, loving wife and ultra-strict keyholder, and the creator and host of the Male Chastity Blog, first discovered the male chastity lifestyle after her husband finally expressed his desires for orgasm denial 2 1/2 years ago. After a seemingly endless and mostly fruitless search for factual, realistic and sensible information about the male chastity lifestyle, she now writes extensively on the subject to share her experiences and help educate other couples about this deeply satisfying but frequently misunderstood lifestyle. You can avail yourself of her completely free 12-Part Mini Male Chastity Guide from her blog.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Short Story in English For Children - Monkey and Mr Croc

This is an English short story entitled Monkey and Mr Croc, which has good moral values for your kids.

Once upon a time, there was a big and strong monkey living at the bank of a river which has an island growing seasonal fruits like mangoes. This particular island was at a distance which is in between the island and the river bank. So, this monkey would use a rock as a spring to jump on this island which has the fruit that it can enjoy.

In this river too, lives a crocodile with his wife. One fine day, Mrs Croc told Mr Croc that she would like to have a heart of a monkey for lunch and no other monkey but Mr Croc's friend- The Monkey. Mrs Croc said that if he really loves her, then he will bring her the heart of the monkey which is his best friend. Hearing this, made Mr Croc really sad. But, he loves his wife a lot; so, he agreed to get the monkey's heart for Mrs Croc.

Short Story in English For Children - Monkey and Mr Croc

That afternoon, monkey was enjoying the mangoes on the island when the monkey detected something looking extraordinary between the rocks in the river, as it was looking larger in size than usual. So, the monkey said to itself, "Perhaps, some naughty and playful crocodile was hiding behind that rock!" To make sure, the monkey questioned the rock, "Dear rock! Why are you so quiet, today? Where are your daily hellos? Mr Croc thought that the rock was indeed a talking rock, so he said, "Hi dear monkey, how are you feeling today?" Now, of course the monkey knows that definitely someone is behind it because there's no such thing as a talking rock. Monkey then shouted, "Rocks aren't supposed to be talking; so whoever you are, please show yourself."

Mr Croc then showed himself and informed Monkey of his desire of eating Monkey's heart for lunch. Monkey was shocked to hear this and sad too. He couldn't believe his best friend would do such a thing. So, monkey decided to leave the island, but how? Monkey got an idea and said, " My dear Mr Croc, since I cannot escape from you now; I would personally like to give you my heart. Can you please open your mouth, so that I can jump into it?" You see, monkey is intelligent and he knew that when he opened his mouth, his eyes would close. He agreed and opened his mouth so wide until his eyes were closed tightly. Now, the wise monkey jumped on Mr Croc's head and back on the river bank safely. When he opened his eyes, he saw monkey safe on the river bank. He then apologized to the monkey but monkey said that he would not anymore believe him due to his intention to kill his only best friend in order to satisfy his wife's desire. Sadly, he went back home to his wife, crying on the idea that he has just lost a very dear friend to him.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

4 Reasons Why A Short Penis Is Bad For You - And How To Make It Longer

Most men's penises come with three different sizes:-

Short Regular Oh My God!

If your member is short, it is time to do some thinking and take some corrective actions. Why is a small penis such a bad deal? After all, shouldn't we be grateful that our equipment is functioning well, size notwithstanding? Well, not really and here's why being a "shorty" is no good for you:

4 Reasons Why A Short Penis Is Bad For You - And How To Make It Longer

1. A short penis visually unexciting

Imagine you are dating the girl of your dream and this is the first night you are making out. You start fine with some nice foreplays and then it is time to reveal all. When you take it out, you can't help but notice the disappointment in her eyes. What an anti -climax! A small penis is not only visually unexciting, it can be a turn off too.

2. A short penis cannot reach her G spot

If you don't already know, a girl's most sensitive part (where she derive the most pleasure) is the G-spot. This is the sweet spot that is located deep under the roof of her love canal. Often stimulation of the G-spot can bring a woman to orgasm. A short penis can never do that in a million years. If you can't really please your partner, you can be sure others will do the job for you.

3. A short penis can cause a lack of sensation for you and your partner

The nerves of pleasure are all over the penis surface. If you have a short and small penis, then this means that the number of nerves will be proportionately smaller as well. Thus you will not fully enjoy the sexual sensations that a longer penis can give you. This will also affect your partner's pleasure.

4. A short penis can lead to a loss of self esteem

Believe or not, most men want their penises to be huge. Everyone wants to be "well hung", like a horse. Why? Because a bigger member means more power, more ego, more everything. On the flip side, a small or short penis can lead to a loss of self esteem in a man as he may feel inadequate and not up to the mark.

The above are just 4 reasons why a small and short penis is no good for you - no can do!

But you don't have to live with a small manhood if you are not satisfied with the status quo. There are ways to right the wrong that nature has done to you.

Remedies to get rid of a small or short penis

1. You can start doing penis enlarging exercises (or Jelqing)

This is an ancient practice that involves pulling and stretching the penis to encourage penis growth. Although not scientifically proven, if done correctly, Jelqing can help you get a bigger and longer penis. There is ample evidence found on public forums where thousands of guys share their success stories (and some failures as expected).

2. You can enlarge your penis size by using penis enlargement stretchers

This is a scientifically proven method endorsed by medical doctors. The penis stretching device works on the principle of traction used in orthopedic surgeries where limbs are repaired and lengthened. You simply wear the device over the length of your penis for a period of time and let it work. The stretching force will encourage penis tissue growth and therefore a permanently bigger penis.

So there you have it. There are ways to get rid of a small or short penis. Do something about that small penis and live the life you really want to live.

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Gary T is the owner of several websites including SwellMale.com, a website for men who want to improve their penis size. You can also read unbiased reviews of the best erection enhancing pills here

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Short Stories for High School Students

So we meet again...

IT was a sunny day when I was waiting for my wife to come at the Mall, so that we could buy clothes for our child. She was 1 hour late. I made a call and found that she was with her mother and they were waiting for the car mechanic to put the new tyre and change the punctured one.

IT was too late. I must go back to my office. My clients must be waiting for me. Just when I thought to leave that place, I struck a lady. I was going to say sorry, when my senses stopped cooperating me. It was Samantha. My mouth was opened and I was steering like I never say a girl before. She looked at me and said its okay, its not new between us.

Short Stories for High School Students

So we meet again. She asked me about my wife, children and our old friends. I said they were all okay. Not allowing to let me talk, she again asked about me health. She said that you are looking quite weak. I said no! It's just work pressure.

IT was my turn to fulfill the formalities, so I asked her about her health, family and even if she good married yet or not. She said that she is not yet married. When I asked why, she answered that there was some problem with my fiancée a 3 years back. And after lots of family pressure I am again going exchange rings with a new man. I asked her what was the reason that her relation broke 3 years earlier. She said nothing just then I was not able to decide whom I love and whom I don't.

This strange answer made me think carefully on the issue, but then I saw a guy coming near her. She introduced that guy as her fiancée. We just shaked hands and moved on. I looked back and she was waving her hand towards me. I did the same.

I remembered that when I got engaged she was not there. And she did not came to my marriage. At that time she went to U.S. for further studies. Well it was a nice day, as I met my oldest and sweetest and most respectable friend. I was feeling good. My anger towards my wife was over. So I decided to sit the restaurant and wait for my wife and child and of course my mother in law.

At the restaurant I met Sandy. He said he is the owner of the restaurant and now told that I am his special guest. The coffee was free for me I thought. We asked about what we were doing these days. He said that he got married last year. And his wife is pregnant. I asked him about Samantha. Does he know anything about her. He said that the poor girl broke her marriage 3 years earlier and after so much interval she is again going to be engaged. I said you know everything about her and how does that happens. He said she was going to be married to my elder brother. I immediately asked her then you must be knowing the reason what made her engagement broke. She is so beautiful, sweet and lovable person then how come such a nice lady has to face such a problem.

He looked at me and moved his head down. I again asked why her engagement was broken and why was she saying that I could not decide at that time whom I love and whom I don't?

He answered it was due to you. I was so astonished. How is it possible I asked. He said that on the day of engagement she started crying and remembered she called you also. I said yes, it might be due to new relationships.

Sandy moved his head. I said tell me the truth. He said that actually she stopped the engagement because she was missing you at the party. She told me that she feels alone without me. It was the same day when you were getting engaged. She also made you call to tell you the she loves you. But you were so happy with your engagement that you could not understand, what she was trying to say on the phone.

I said it is impossible. I also loved her. But she never said anything to me. I thought if I said anything to her than I might loose a good friend too. If she only had said once I would leave everything for her love. I looked up and complaint god what is this. Anyway I must move now. I said bye paid the bill and went out of the restaurant with heavy heart.

There I saw Samantha leaving the place with her fiancée. She looked at me from the car. They both waved bye to me, and I did the same. The car went closer from me. And so did Samantha. She was steering in my eyes and her eyes were glowing. I felt like she still loves me. And may be I too...

The Prisoner

After 10 years of imprisonment John comes back to the outer world. He goes back to his house. There he finds no one. The neighbors tell him that on the day his imprisonment his child was taken away by some police officer. His sister never came back to take his child in his custody. John was so worried that who took away his child. He also got angry from his sister for whom he sold his wife's jewelry and even kept his house on sale.

Angry John went to her sister house in the native village. There he found that his sister was dying of Cancer. When she saw her brother she begged his pardon. She said that she made a big mistake by not taking care of his brother's son. She begged his pardon. But John went away from her house quietly.

He then moved towards the officer, who imprisoned him. He was going to ask the officer that why was he imprisoned. On his way he thought of taking revenge by stealing away the officer's child. He went to his house and saw a beautiful girl coming out of the house and the officer was waving good bye to her. He thought that he would kidnap the girl and take revenge from the officer.

He forcibly takes the driver seat and takes the girl to an unknown place. The girl asks as to why he did that but he did not answered. When the girl tells John about her fiancée namely Kennedy who is a very efficient police officer. John feels a little pain in his heart. He feels that why would the police officer marry his girl with the guy whose name is similar to my son's name. He tells the girl that it is due to his father, he lost his son and now by marrying you with the boy name Kennedy he want himself to be forgived. He snatches the locket in her neck. Opens it and see the picture of the girl and a boy. He asks who is he.

She answers that when a young girl puts the picture of young guy near her heart for all the times than this is obvious that she loves her and wants to marry him. John laughs and says that your baby love made John laugh for the first time after 10 years.

She asks John, Are you the one whom was imprisoned by her father. The one who was caught red handed by my father with drugs. John says that yes I am the one. But the drugs were not mine. I told your father that I am innocent. But he did not heard me. Actually it was the work of my brother who was engaged in this activity for so long. My only mistake was that I hide drugs when he was away. That day he was shot dead by your father in an encounter. And during search he found out drugs from my box.

The girl looked at John and said that do you know the Kennedy she is going to marry is his son. She says that her father brought him home, he was sent to boarding school. Later he was grew up so handsome and active that she herself could not resist her and fell in love with him.

John feels ashamed of himself. He writes a note to the officer and asks for sorry. He also thanks the officer in the letter. John begs his pardon from the girl and asks her to go home. The girl forces John to come with her and meet his son. But John denies as he feel so much ashamed of himself that he did not want to show his face to his son. He leaves the girl to her home and leaves the city forever.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

History of Bulova Watches

From the days of when the only clocks available where sun dials to the times of the pocket watch, and through to the present day, people have always been obsessed with keeping track of the time. Like any other profession, the watch making industry has worked hard to improve the methods they use and the quality of the products they put on the market. The general public has seen watches go from the traditional wheel balance and hairspring technology to the more advanced quartz, and finally to the creation of purely digital watches. Each advance was designed to outdo the competitors and give people the absolute finest in wrist timepieces.

There have been many famous watch companies and creators, but one of the most famous is the Bulova Watch Company. Over the years, this company has acquired a reputation for luxury and precision in their watch products. A little background history makes the story much more interesting. As with many companies, the story of the Bulova watch company starts out modestly. A young man by the name of Joseph Bulova opens a small, humble jewelry shop in New York City on Maiden Lane. The year is 1875 and he is a 23 year old Czech immigrant to the U.S. Business progresses nicely, but nothing to get excited about until 1911 when this enterprising young man begins to manufacture and sell bedroom, and table clocks, and finely made pocket watches. The public reacts positively to the new items and sales boom at an amazing rate.

The Bulova Watch Company didn't stop there. Its owner knew a good thing when he saw it and in 1912, the first plant dedicated to the production of his incredible timepieces was opened in Bienne, Switzerland. This plant focused on the production of the watch components and placing the assemblies into the final jeweled movements. All of this took place before the advent of the conventional wristwatch, as we now know them in the present day.

History of Bulova Watches

Mr. Bulova didn't have long to wait. With the beginning of World War I, the popularity of wristwatches, as opposed to pocket watches, took off. It was much easier for troops to have their watches literally handy than hidden in a pocket. Again, the Bulova Company was there to provide what the public demanded. Joseph Bulova took it one step further and designed a line of men's watches set in jeweled casings. Considering his first passion was jewelry, it makes sense that he made this innovative move. The year was 1919 and the world set posed for more extravagant watches.

As history tells us, the road from this point for Mr. Bulova and his company is paved with gold. In 1923 the name Bulova Watch Company, Inc. is put into place. The watch world is revolutionized again with the beginning of a watch parts making precision system that makes every Bulova watch compatible with any other Bulova make or model wristwatch. In other words, watch repair became much simpler and more cost effective because the repair people could use any part from any Bulova watch to repair another. That kind of attention to detail had never been seen before.

Just one short year later, the Bulova Watch Company finally remembers the ladies. It introduces a full line of women's watches complete with diamond accents. It was the "Roaring Twenties" and people of the time were all about luxury and beautiful things. A Bulova watch fit right in.

The Bulova Watch Company continued to take advantage of the events going on around them and made sure to keep up with the times. For example, to honor the famous transatlantic solo flight of Charles Lindbergh, the company produced a series of Lone Eagle watches packaged with a picture of the famous pilot. The company ships 5000 of these commemorative watches. The supply sold out in 3 days. In total, 50000 Charles Lindbergh watches were sold. It was this kind of forward thinking that made the company the huge success that it was and is.

In 1935, the founder of the company, Joseph Bulova dies. Despite this sad event, the company continued its upward swing. In the early 1960's the Bulova Watch Company's biggest claim to fame is released to the world. It was a totally unique watch called the Accutron. This watch was made using the technology of the tuning fork. It kept better time than anything that had been made to date and was used on many NASA flights including the famous Apollo expedition.

With such a productive and colorful history, there is no wonder that the Bulova Watch Company continues to be such a stellar example of customer service and watch making innovation.

History of Bulova Watches
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Sunday, January 20, 2013

What About Those Dismal 'Pregnancy Over 40' Statistics? I Was 44 When I Had My Beautiful Daughter

OK, I know you've heard it all before, the pregnancy statistics over 40 are dismal. As far as I'm concerned, statistics are for statisticians. What about the fact that the number of unintended pregnancies in women between 40 and 44 is second only to teenagers? Many women in their 40's think their too old to get pregnant, they get a little lax with their birth control, and bingo!

I would venture to guess most women over 40 aren't trying to get pregnant (and many have had sterilization procedures). I wonder what would happen to those statistics if all women over 40 tried to get pregnant. I think we'd all be surprised. Our society and media is so 'age obsessed' that women begin to believe their life is over at the age of 40 (heck, now it's more like 35). The message is you'll need plastic surgery, you'll be replaced by a trophy wife, you'll have a hard time getting employed, and your chances of having a baby are less than your chances of winning the lottery.

As far as I'm concerned, I won the lottery, but it wasn't by luck. I was 44 when I had my daughter who, in my totally unbiased opinion, is perfect. I had a normal pregnancy and normal delivery and I conceived without fertility treatments. Yes, I'm the oldest mom at the playground, but so far, nobody's asked me if I'm her grandmother. As a matter of fact, I've been asked more than once, "Are you having another?" I'm in the best shape of my life, and even though my very active daughter wears me out occasionally, I'm keeping up just fine. As a matter of fact, I remember babysitting my niece and nephew when I was in my 20's - it wasn't any easier back then.

What About Those Dismal 'Pregnancy Over 40' Statistics? I Was 44 When I Had My Beautiful Daughter

Being an 'older' mom is such a blessing. I'm wiser, more patient, and totally skilled at dealing with the trials and tribulations of a two-year-old. I have no hidden agendas for my daughter. Since I've already accomplished everything I wanted to do in my life, I'm not trying to live my dreams through her. It's her life, and I'm behind her no matter what path she takes. The comment I hear most often is, "She's such a happy little girl."

I will admit I had an interesting journey to parenthood. My own childhood was less than perfect. I grew up with parents who were totally mismatched leaving me with a negative impression of marriage and family. As a result, I waited until I was almost 37 to get married and didn't even start trying to get pregnant until I was almost 38. After a year of trying on our own, we went in for fertility treatments. I spent over two years trying medications, inseminations and IVF twice. The medications and inseminations didn't work at all, and the IVF's ended in miscarriage and the removal of my left fallopian tube. I became disillusioned with the assembly line practice of my fertility clinic and the amount of drugs and hormones I was pumping into my system was totally inconsistent with my 'all natural' way of life and personal philosophy. I notified my doctor that I was moving on to 'childfree'.

I was over 40 at this point and as if to spur me on, no matter where I went or who I talked to, I would hear yet another story of a woman giving birth in her 40's. I met a woman at my niece's graduation party who gave birth to triplets at the age of 45 (without fertility treatments), a tenant in our rental property all of a sudden tells me she gave birth to her son at the age of 45. A local radio personality said his mother had him at the age of 48 (before the days of fertility treatments). I was standing in the ski lift line and some teenagers behind us were laughing that their mom was going to have another baby at the age of 43. I started researching my own family history, and both my grandmothers were in their 40's when they had their last child. I couldn't get away from it!

I realized I wasn't ready to give up on getting pregnant but I absolutely did not want to go through anymore fertility treatments. I started researching natural methods to enhance fertility. I quit a high stress job, I started a totally new way of eating, and I went back and confronted all the unresolved issues I had with my parents and my less-than-perfect upbringing. I also researched natural methods of balancing hormones, increasing pelvic circulation, and I changed my 'pregnancy mindset' through visualization and meditation.

I was shocked when I became pregnant naturally just months after completing fertility treatments. Unfortunately, I was miscarrying by the time I realized I was pregnant. Even though my miscarriage was heartbreaking, I was ecstatic to finally know I could get pregnant on my own. Now, more motivated than ever, I continued researching natural methods to enhance my fertility and I continued adding things to my 'getting pregnant' protocol.

To make a long story short, I got pregnant two more times, but miscarried both. Why was this happening? I had the fetal tissue examined after a D&C, and wouldn't you know it, my baby was chromosomally normal. So much for the well-meaning condolences, "Something was probably wrong, it was a blessing". I continued trying to get pregnant, even though I was now 43 years old. I could feel my baby hovering over me. I needed to give her life. But, when I was 43 and 11 months, I almost gave up. I thought maybe my 'internal barometer' was broken. I was so sure I was going to have a baby, but here I was, almost 44, and still childless. My baby was out there but I couldn't get to her. I reluctantly decided that it was really time to move on to childfree and get on with my life.

Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I was a little angry that I finally made a firm decision to move on to childfree, and here I was, pregnant again! I guess preparedness finally met opportunity (I think I was the healthiest human being on the planet by then). I was cautious but excited nonetheless. We decided not to tell anyone or to see a doctor until any 'normal' person would. I didn't want a 'blow by blow' accounting of my hCG numbers or a depressing speech about the risks of pregnancy at my age. When I finally did see my doctor (one who was quite negative about women in their 40's getting pregnant), he was bouncing off the walls with excitement! My ultrasound looked great! This one was going to make it.

The moral of my story is "trust your instincts". If you know deep in your heart that you can do something, you probably can. I'm sure many doctors would use my story as an example of how difficult it is to have a child over 40. But, fertility treatments were probably the most detrimental factor working against me. There's a higher incidence of tubal pregnancies with IVF and I'm sure all those injections of drugs and hormones threw the delicate balance of my reproductive system further out of whack. If I would have started my 'all natural' pregnancy protocol earlier, I would have saved myself years of frustration, ,000 in fertility treatments, and I would have had both my fallopian tubes essentially doubling my chances of getting pregnant naturally. I partially blame those over-quoted statistics. I can't tell you how many times I read that if you're in your late 30's or 40's you should "run not walk" to the closest fertility clinic because time's running out fast!

The bottom line is I overcame all of my challenges and succeeded naturally at the age of 44. So, for all you statisticians out there, I'd like to ask, "What are the odds of that?"

What About Those Dismal 'Pregnancy Over 40' Statistics? I Was 44 When I Had My Beautiful Daughter
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Copyright © 2005 Sandy Robertson

Sandy Robertson is the author of " Get Pregnant Over 40. She is a stay-at-home-mom who also writes and teaches part-time at a local community college. She has volunteered for her local infertility organization as the women's support group leader and continues to speak to women and couples struggling with infertility.

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